Monday, December 28, 2009

What Should I Wear to Church?

It's the question that single girls in Singles Wards ask on Sunday mornings to themselves and their roommates.  I asked it of myself this morning as well, but with a slight variation in emphasis.  What to wear to not at church.  A lucky Sunday without work and a one hour ride on a snowmobile with the only other church-goer to West Yellowstone.  The thermometer reads -17 degrees.  Here was today's outfit from toe to head: -148 degree boots (still got chilly toes), wool socks, toe warmers, two pairs of long johns, running pants, fleece pants, snow pants, 2 thermal tops, fleece turtleneck, two-piece coat, neck gaiter pulled up to my eyes, sunglasses, beanie, and helmet.  I am coming to see hot chocolate as it's own food group.  Scarcely a day, much less a meal, passes without it. 


Anonymous said...
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evieperkins said...

Good heavens. That's the most elaborate Sunday outfit I've read about outside of eighteenth century literature. :)