Monday, May 16, 2011

"Oh, Montana, give this child a home."

A few pictures from being out and about walking around town.  
There are moments when I am overwhelmed by the fact that this is home.
Gardiner with the sun setting on Sepulcher and Electric Peak
The Roosevelt Arch: if you look closely, there is a coyote crossing in front of it
Sunrise on Sepulcher and the Arch (dedicated by Teddy Roosevelt in  1903
A mama bison and her new baby resting in town, safe from predators

Looking back at Gardiner
A bighorn sheep ram not far from town
Investigators at church
Spring in Montana


evieperkins said...

Wow. Those are impressive.

Carrie said...

Just beautiful! You make me want to come to Yellowstone!! (To see you too, of course)...

Miss Wesel said...

Oh I really hope I can come see you soon, your pictures make me long for it too.

Miss Wesel said...

Oh I really hope I can come see you soon, your pictures make me long for it too.